Internship International Finance / Controlling – Consumer Brands

Consumer Brands Finance Controlling Germany, Düsseldorf, North Rhine Westphalia Full Time Limited
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Internship International Finance / Controlling – Consumer Brands Apply for this role

About this position

At Henkel, you can build on a strong legacy and leading positions in both industrial and consumer businesses to reimagine and improve life every day. If you love challenging the status quo, join our community of over 50,000 pioneers around the globe. Our teams at Henkel Consumer Brands continuously drive the evolution in dynamic categories: Laundry & Home Care and Hair. With our trusted brands, including Persil and Schwarzkopf, our cutting-edge technologies and our disruptive solutions, you will have countless opportunities to explore new paths and develop your skills. Grow within our future-led businesses, our diverse and vibrant culture and find a place where you simply belong. All to leave your mark for more sustainable growth.

What you'll do

  • Work in an international, dynamic, and agile team at headquarters constantly striving to shape the future of HCB
  • Actively support top management as a business partner in decision-making and steering of the global HCB business with intense exposure
  • Collaborate closely with various international stakeholders and departments around the globe
  • Actively drive change, e.g. by developing global state of the art controlling & reporting processes and tools or getting involved in our Marketing and Sales projects
  • Drive ongoing digitalization of finance and controlling
  • Ideal position for top talents to accelerate their career

What makes you a good fit

  • Student who has successfully passed first semesters of business-related studies, ideally focused on controlling, finance or accounting
  • First relevant work experience, preferably internationally in area of finance, e.g. controlling, M&A, corporate finance
  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Profound knowledge in Microsoft Office tools, especially PowerPoint and Excel
  • Team player with excellent communication and very strong analytical skills
  • Pro-active mindset, out of the box thinking and high degree of performance orientation
  • Starting date as of May/June 2025, minimum duration 4 months, preferably 6 months

We offer you an attractive salary between € 1050-2095 gross per month. The exact amount of the remuneration depends on the desired duration, the type of internship (voluntary or mandatory) and existing degrees.

At Henkel, we come from a broad range of backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences. We believe the uniqueness of all our employees is the power in us. Become part of the team and bring your uniqueness to us! We welcome all applications across different genders, origins, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, disabilities, and generations.

JOB ID: req67494

Job Locations: Germany, North Rhine Westphalia, Düsseldorf

Contact information for application-related questions:

Please do not use this email address for sending your application or CV. To apply, please click on the "Apply for this role" button below. Applications sent via e-mail will not be accepted.

Application Deadline: As long as the vacancy is listed on our Career Site, we are happy to receive your application

Job-Center: If you have an application already, you can create or log in to your account here to check the status of your application. In case of new account creation, please use your email address that you applied with.

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How is work at Henkel

O společnosti Henkel

Díky více než 145 let zkušeností ukazujeme, jak měnit a zlepšovat život každý den. Dnes i pro další generace. Prostřednictvím našich inovativních a udržitelných značek a technologií, v našich týmech po celém světě. Společnost Henkel je světovým lídrem na průmyslových i spotřebitelských trzích: Do našeho bohatého portfolia patří oblíbené vlasové produkty, prací a čistící prostředky, aviváže, ale i lepidla, tmely a funkční povrchové nátěry.

YouTube Thumbnail This is Henkel (Thumbnail)

Často kladené dotazy

Ano – jednoduše vyplňte svůj profil v našem online systému. Jakmile bude váš profil připravený, můžete se ucházet o více pozic najednou.

Ano, prosím. Vzhledem k tomu, že Henkel je mezinárodní společností, budete pracovat s kolegy z celého světa a angličtina je náš oficiální firemní jazyk. Obecně platí: žádost píšeme stejným jazykem, kterým je psaná pracovní nabídka.

Každá pozice, která je v rámci společnosti Henkel otevřená, je jedinečná. Najít vhodného kandidáta je důležité pro obě strany – jak pro Henkel, tak pro daného kandidáta. Chceme se ujistit, že kandidát i společnost jsou pro sebe navzájem vhodnou volbou. Kandidátům poskytujeme zpětnou vazbu po dobu celého procesu.

Členové našeho náborového týmu vám ochotně zodpoví veškeré otázky související s vaší žádostí. Zde je můžete kontaktovat.