Objevte značky našich obchodních divizí: Henkel Adhesive Technologies a Henkel Consumer Brands.
4. 4. 2022 Düsseldorf / Germany
At the virtual Annual General Meeting of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA on April 4, 2022, the shareholders approved all agenda items. In total, about 87 percent of the voting capital stock was represented. As in the previous years, the Annual General Meeting was conducted as a virtual meeting. A total of 89 questions were asked by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
As proposed by the corporate bodies, the Annual General Meeting approved a dividend at the previous year's level for both share classes. A dividend of 1.85 euros per preferred share and 1.83 euros per ordinary share will be paid. Henkel’s total dividend payout amounts to about 800 million euros.
In the supplementary election to the Supervisory Board, Poul Weihrauch was elected as successor to Timotheus Höttges, who left the Supervisory Board in September 2021.
As part of the supplementary election to the Shareholders’ Committee, Dr. Christoph Henkel, who has been a member of the Shareholders’ Committee for more than thirty years, has resigned his seat on the Shareholders’ Committee as of the end of the 2022 Annual General Meeting. Dr. Christoph Henkel is succeeded by Dr. Kaspar von Braun.